
Full Post List

Jul 25, 2024: Now that Harris is going to be the Dem nominee, I think she should pick Gretchen Whitmer. She is the best choice and so that ticket would be a hell of …

Jul 21, 2024: Well, the rich got what they wanted, right? The NYTimes made this happen and the Washington Post was a super-close second.

Jul 16, 2024: My rebellion against Prime Day is to use public transportation to visit a friend I haven’t seen in years. We might buy sandwiches, but not from …

Jul 12, 2024: I am willing to bet a lot of this “Joe Biden must drop out” nonsense if because of this: IRS reports collecting $1 billion from rich …

Jun 29, 2024: I just watched Perfect Days. It was simply excellent. I can’t recommend it enough.🍿

Jun 28, 2024: Supreme Court essentially killing regulation is bad, NY Times saying Biden should resign because of one bad debate while saying nothing about Trump …

Jun 10, 2024: I can’t recall the last time we had a Spring this pleasant in NYC.

Jun 6, 2024: Kathy Hochul’s decision to “pause” congestion pricing in NYC is cowardly, disingenuous, and wrong. It reminds me of the decision Michael Bloomberg (of …

May 24, 2024: Feels like Blogrolls could be the solution to bad search engines.* “Here are some vetted, trusted sources even if they are deindexed from the search …

May 23, 2024: The battery alone in this new Chevy must weigh more than non-EV cars in total.

May 6, 2024: Paul Waldman’s post on The New York Times is right on the money. The Times has an outsized amount of influence and I really wonder why it wields …

Apr 23, 2024: Not sure how this particular video popped up in front of me of, but holy hell do I love Peep Show. I think it’s time for a re-watch.

Apr 20, 2024: I’ve found that if you want to know how Apple works and what Steve Jobs thought about a topic, just listen to him. He really did explain it all …

Apr 17, 2024: I’ve never wanted to be a librarian more.

Apr 15, 2024: TIL I am not capable of working at The Waffle House. I just sat down from separating the laundry because it was overwhelming.

Apr 2, 2024: It’s funny that Amazon is giving up on walking out when Apple stores have had it for years.

Mar 27, 2024: “This is some bullshit!,” Merrick Garland, presumably.

Mar 25, 2024: Our media will be our downfall. Part whocankeeptrack?

Mar 22, 2024: A lot of people (all smarter than me) are very perplexed by the Apple lawsuitt brought forth by the U.S. DOJ. I wonder if this office shutting down is …

Mar 22, 2024: “This is some bullshit!," Merrick Garland, presumably.

Mar 22, 2024: A quick follow-up to a post I wrote about years ago: Joni Mitchell et al., return to Spotify. Ah, well.

Mar 10, 2024: We watched American Fiction last night. It was excellent. Jeffrey Wright was so damned good. 👍

Mar 9, 2024: 💪💪💪 Good for these folks. I hope to see more unions in the tech and publishing space.

Mar 9, 2024: Kids today! Are so awesome!

Feb 19, 2024: I just finished reading The Stand by Stephen King. It was long, but good. Rating: 👍 📚

Jan 24, 2024: Jon Stewart coming back to The Daily Show once a week got me thinking. It would be great if there were 20 hosts and they each did one show a month. …

Jan 11, 2024: We do love our children so part 293845. So many of our elected leaders are monsters.

Dec 30, 2023: Some months ago (I guess about nine at this point), I, along with thousands of other brilliant people, backed a Kickstarter project called Shift …

Dec 19, 2023: Uh oh.

Nov 21, 2023: Our media willl be our downfall, part sigh. Nice work by CJR.

Nov 16, 2023: Super gross that Apple still advertises here. It’s also pretty terrible that reporters are stilll using this service to post about their work but, for …

Nov 15, 2023: Idiocracy is coming on fast.

Nov 8, 2023: We are led by the best and the brightest, aren’t we?

Nov 6, 2023: Right! Our media will be our downfall, Inquirer!

Oct 31, 2023: People: Can we get affordable EVs? Toyota: Best we can do is a fake transmission.

Oct 26, 2023: How many GOPers are wearing their assault rifle pins still?

Oct 24, 2023: If you had asked me at any point in my life up until this week, “Would attempting to illegally invalidate a federal election result in prison time?” I …

Oct 16, 2023: People: Can we have a single-payer healthcare system? Government: Can’t afford it. People: Fully funded schools? Government: Can’t afford it. People: …

Sep 30, 2023: The last few months I’ve made a concerted effort to do brain things like Wordle and crossword puzzles. Conclusion: I am sad.

Sep 28, 2023: America’s priorities are something else. Some Houston school libraries will become disciplinary spaces and Cost of building a super-size Alabama …

Sep 24, 2023: The media will be our downfall part infinity. As little as I have loved Republicans the past few years, coinciding with the rise of our own little …

Sep 23, 2023: As I’ve written in the past, if Earth was described in a science fiction story, it wouldn’t be believed. Look at these pictures: The Earth …

Sep 21, 2023: If this quote is accurate We believe that we need to own and control the primary technologies behind the products that we make, and participate only …

Sep 14, 2023: We do love our children so.

Sep 8, 2023: I listen to the Apple New Today podcast every day. I find it to be the best of the <10 min morning news summaries. I have noticed that in the last …

Aug 31, 2023: I have no good feelings for Mitch McConnell. At all. On any level. That being said, when he froze up and then regained a bit of lucidity, his …

Aug 30, 2023: McConnell not doing something while he is clearly declining really represents America at the moment.

Aug 26, 2023: We do love our children so, part 6,291.

Aug 14, 2023: We’re at a hotel’s freebie breakfast and some dad just walked by with a cup of sausages.

Aug 12, 2023: Mrs. Bob and daughter announced at supper tonight they are going to see Barbie on Tuesday (the day after we drop the boy off at college). I turned to …

Aug 9, 2023: This Cadillac mocks the whole green movement.

Aug 7, 2023: So, I was reading this article about curvy walls and it, of course,* made me remember a scene from Veep (best. show. ever). *At least how my brain …

Jul 28, 2023: Ever since I switched my #wordle starting word to AUDIO I’ve been far more successful than in the past.

Jul 23, 2023: How I measure a successful weekend now: I used $25 Target gift certificate that’s been sitting in my inbox since 2016.

Jul 6, 2023: I just got back from vacation and am announcing here first that I’m to marry Glacier National Park. #nationalpark

Jul 1, 2023: So I’ve given up on Instagram, Twitter, and now Reddit. Just a little more to go.

Jun 20, 2023: Murder! Our media will be our downfall.

Jun 19, 2023: I complain a lot about the world (rightly so!), but this weekend was excellent. My family made a really nice Father’s Day(s) for me and I feel really …

Jun 18, 2023: I finally got around to fixing up my Piggy. The stabs were overlubed and now they are just right. This is the Piggy with White on Lilac in the DSA …

Jun 7, 2023: It’s like the show Extrapolations outside my window here in NYC.

Jun 7, 2023: Tech sites: Man, traffic is down, ad sales are down… Maybe Apple will create something we can all have hot takes on. Intern: Even without using …

Jun 1, 2023: Apple was dreaming of Apple Silicon since Steve Jobs came back to Apple. Heck, many of their products were built as if they were already using their …

May 30, 2023: The United States’ answer to “why can’t we?”

May 29, 2023: We do love our children so, chapter 128.

May 28, 2023: I came across this tweet about a basking shark. Amazing. I stand by my long-time stance that if Earth was written about in science fiction it wouldn’t …

May 25, 2023: The Clean Water Act is now a problem?

May 24, 2023: If any politician paid tribute today to the children killed in Uvalde while also not moving legislation ahead to ban guns, well… they can fuck right …

May 24, 2023: Someone needs to make an app that makes it easy to subscribe and unsubscribe to streaming services. I think I could save a lot of money it was easier …

May 22, 2023: Our media will be our downfall: SCOTUS edition.

May 20, 2023: I just finished reading The Kaiju Preservation Society by John Scalzi. Bob summary: This is a fun way to get into summer reading. Rating: Thumbs up.

May 18, 2023: Why are they still a company? Why is no one in jail?

May 10, 2023: “Why didn’t we host the Trump town hall?” -NYTimes, presumably

May 10, 2023: Our media will be our downfall: CNN edition. How how how are people surprised CNN is a POS? How?! The only time I go to CNN is to check my internet …

May 4, 2023: I used to say that if you wanted to kill someone in America and get away with it, use a car. Now, apparently, if you choose the victim carefully, you …

May 2, 2023: Our media will be our downfall, CNN edition.

May 1, 2023: About to have the last parent teacher conference ever (they aren’t called that any longer) and I’m having feelings.

Apr 30, 2023: As a surprise, I took my son to see Singing in the Rain in the cinema. I will never tire of that movie. It’s about as perfect as a musical can be.

Apr 12, 2023: Our media will be our downfall, on-going edition.

Apr 8, 2023: Watched the movie The Artist tonight. It was excellent. I knew John Goodman, of course, but I would have bet money I had seen the actor, Berenice Bejo …

Apr 3, 2023: Did I mention that our media will be our downfall? Well, Our Media Will Be Our Downfall.

Mar 24, 2023: I miss John. I feel bad I didn’t listen to For Better, or Worse while John was still around. Not that he would have known or cared, but I feel …

Mar 21, 2023: Too few of us seem to care the entire GOP is a bunch of grifting hypocrites. But I do. And I hope you do, too.

Mar 12, 2023: Re: SVB. All I know is they better not bail out those damn kids getting educations.

Mar 5, 2023: I am not sure exactly how I thought it worked, but when I was first dipping my toe into the world of mechanical keyboards, I just didn’t believe …

Mar 1, 2023: 685 days ago I ordered a mechanical keyboard. It arrived on Feb 28, 2023. It was the very first mechanical keyboard kit I had bought. Ever. Now …

Feb 20, 2023: Reading I am currently reading The Angel on the Roof by Russell Banks. This American Life recently included an old segment featuring Banks. I got the …

Feb 14, 2023: New GOP plan for retirement: keep working. House Majority Leader Steve Scalise, R-La., told NBC News one day after Biden’s speech to Congress …

Feb 9, 2023: I missed this book when it came out but thanks to good ol eBay I now have it. I’m so happy.

Jan 28, 2023: I find great pleasure in planning the meals for the week. You know: planning the meals. making the list, clearing out the fridge and wiping down the …

Jan 26, 2023: When people say they hate big government, they mean they hate spending money on non-white people. Otherwise they love them some big government. …

Jan 26, 2023: Can you imagine living amongst (and having to serve) the very people who actively signed a petition to stop your raise?

Jan 25, 2023: The Age of No Consequences: Meta reinstated former President Donald Trump’s social accounts on Wednesday following a two-year suspension over his …

Jan 24, 2023: Now that this is becoming a regular occurrence, I wonder if I have any classified documents in my home! A lawyer for Pence, a potential 2024 …

Jan 22, 2023: More power to them!

Jan 21, 2023: I’m starting to come around to loving this guy. The latest revelation about Santos’s seemingly never-ending list of lies that was reported by …

Jan 19, 2023: I know, I know. I complain on this blog (likely to a void… hello, no one!), but I try to get it out of my system so I don’t explode. …

Jan 18, 2023: It’s clear now the right isn’t interested in causing problems which only it can solve with its own take on the situation, it’s purely going cause …

Jan 16, 2023: My son and I watched The Last of Us and, as expected, it was excellent. I wish my son and I had more comedies to watch together, but I’ll take any …

Jan 12, 2023: The American Taliban are still here.

Jan 9, 2023: Wait wait wait. You can arrest people who attack the capital the day it happens?! That’s unpossible!

Jan 8, 2023: I recently finished Elder Race by Adrian Tchaikovsky. It’s a short story that was recommended by Jason Snell in Episode 439. What a fun read …

Jan 8, 2023: Watched The Banshees of Inisherin and while it’s listed as a black comedy, I think it should have been “Quite a dark, dark comedy.” …

Jan 7, 2023: Kevin 15 it is then.

Jan 6, 2023: If McCarthy does end up as speaker, he really needs to be called Kevin “(number of times it took to vote him in)” Tries. So, you know, …

Jan 5, 2023: Good lord. Why stop at two?

Dec 30, 2022: We watched the new Will Ferrell movie Spirited and it was actually a lot of fun. Yay! Ferrell just needs one more Christmas movie for the trifecta. We …

Dec 24, 2022: It’s amazing to me the people of Texas will continue to put up with a state government that refuses to make a better power grid. It feels like, in the …

Dec 20, 2022: People trash talk the Post Office’s new mail truck, but I absolutely love its look. I wish more cars and trucks had such good visibility and low …

Dec 16, 2022: How do you ruin Twitter? Slowly, then really, really fast. Holy cow is the grifter ruining it quickly.

Dec 15, 2022: As far as I can tell, my last post on Instagram was Feb, 19, 2022. Instagram was something I really liked, but the more people I followed (that I …

Dec 14, 2022: As far as I can tell, my last: Original tweet was Feb 25, 2022 Retweet was Nov 18, 2022 Last reply to someone (Xeni) was Oct 21, 2022 I …

Nov 18, 2022: Our media will be our downfall… part 3 of what will surely big a big number.

Nov 13, 2022: The Car-Free Dream.

Nov 13, 2022: GOP will get behind Trump indictment just so they don’t have to consider him anymore.

Nov 10, 2022: I told friends and neighbors there’d be no red wave and while I’m glad that was indeed the case, I am still so bummed out for Stacey Abrams. She’s the …

Oct 30, 2022: Everyone has good and bad day. I’m trying to remember the good ones and, if nothing else, learn from the bad ones. Yesterday was a good day. My son …

Oct 29, 2022: Our media will be our downfall. This was an attempted assassination of the speaker of the house. Right before an election. How is this not bigger …

Oct 17, 2022: Our media will be our downfall. In case that link goes away, here’s a screenshot

Oct 10, 2022: As a fan of science fiction, I am in a TV wonderland right now. The Star Wars series have been great (The Clone Wars, The Mandalorian, The Book of …

Oct 5, 2022: Nine rings were gifted to the Race of Men, who above all else desire power.

Sep 18, 2022: The Keyboard Meetup I went to my first ever keyboard meetup in Manhattan yesterday. I am going to guess there were about 50 people in attendance with about 60 keyboards …

Jul 15, 2022: I guess it’s been a year and a half now that I’ve gotten deep into the mechanical keyboard hobby. Mostly, of course, the hobby consists of spending …

Jul 10, 2022: My son and I just finished Season 1 of Strange New Worlds and I think it’s my favorite Star Trek series. Anson Mount is excellent as Captain Pike, …

Jul 8, 2022: If the Dems put as much effort into getting things done (hell, even trying) as they do asking me for money, we might not be in such dire straights. …

May 28, 2022: This feel like a 70% appropriate punishment for punching out the teeth of a flight attendant. I would have added in: You no longer get to fly in the …

May 1, 2022: This is a Piggy. It’s a mechanical keyboard I built using Matcha Latte switches (they are sorta kinda green).

Apr 27, 2022: I can feel the withdrawal of Twitter happening (this is day 3, but not yet full days since Monday I was using it for reading). It’s going to …

Mar 22, 2022: I think it’s high time we remove United from the name of our country. We’re so far from united at this point the name just looks silly. Suggested …

Mar 3, 2022: If yachts are going to be seized, can we start with Joe Manchin’s?

Feb 24, 2022: My son turned on C-Span and watched UN ambassadors plea for peace. While he was watching, a graphic appeared on TV stating Russia had begun the …

Feb 19, 2022: Is 950,000 a lot?

Feb 11, 2022: It’s an interesting experiment that of “What if everyone acted like dicks, everywhere, all the time?” I don’t like this experiment, but we’re living …

Feb 5, 2022: This is the Class 65 keyboard from MM Studio (the studio is based out of China). I was lucky enough to get into the first small in-stock sale of 50 …

Jan 30, 2022: Neil Young, Joni Mitchell… I can’t quite work it up yet, but it’s like they are going on strike against Spotify. It’s not a boycott since it’s more …

Jan 28, 2022: Is 850,000 a lot?

Jan 9, 2022: Finally went to the movies. My son and I are vaccinated and boosted and just needed a bit of semblance of a normal life. We wore our N95 masks and …

Jan 2, 2022: Ikki Aurora 68 As I avoid the news (which I am doing so very poorly), I’m trying to focus my energy on keyboards. They are silly amounts of fun. This is an …

Dec 12, 2021: America, in all its sadness: Teachers forced to grab money for their under-funded schools while the crowd cheers. Every student in America should go …

Dec 6, 2021: I’m trying so hard to ween myself from social media. Mostly from Instagram. I do use Twitter but mostly for news consumption, but I do get enough news …

Nov 22, 2021: Murder as grift, that’s a new one.

Nov 21, 2021: Today I built my first mechanical keyboard. In the travails of life, it’s so incredibly minor it hardly qualifies as worth mentioning. But I’m …

Nov 19, 2021: When all is said and done, it’s America that’s guilty. #shame

Nov 17, 2021: Speaking of that opening scene in Wall*E, I watched that new Apple TV+ movie Finch and there were several scenes that reminded me of bits of Wall*E. …

Nov 4, 2021: Is 750,000 a lot?

Oct 26, 2021: I used to think that opening scene in Wall*E depicting all the junk in space was a bit of an over exaggeration, but between SpaceX’s internet …

Oct 24, 2021: The other day I was going to write about libraries. They are my favorite place in the whole wide world. I think I was going to say something along the …

Oct 12, 2021: I try to stay positive, I swear. But reality… Oh, newspapers.

Oct 11, 2021: I just celebrated a pretty mundane birthday (not a big one or anything). But my family and friends made it so special (mostly my wife, but everyone …

Sep 23, 2021: We are brainwashed, part 1 In fact, almost 9 out of 10 respondents surveyed said choosing their work device was of importance to them (87%) and …

Sep 22, 2021: We do love our children so, food edition.

Sep 17, 2021: Yes, America loves ALL the children everywhere.

Sep 17, 2021: We do love our children so. Part four hundred billion. With each passing month of the pandemic, Lilley has grown increasingly concerned that COVID-19 …

Sep 15, 2021: Whenever I hear something is too hard or “impossible” I remember we, collectively as an American society, had a car on the moon FIFTY YEARS AGO! Yeah, …

Sep 13, 2021: I finally read a James Baldwin book: If Beale Street Could Talk. I had heard of James Baldwin much of my adult life but I had never read any of his …

Sep 11, 2021: Is 650,000 a lot?

Sep 9, 2021: We do love our children so. The email said that “if an instructor is notified by a student that the student has covid-19, the instructor may not tell …

Sep 8, 2021: We are now entering the lawless phase of American Democracy.

Sep 3, 2021: We do love our children so. Three schools in Vancouver, Washington were put under lockdown on Friday after a group of people protesting COVID mask …

Sep 3, 2021: Forgetting for a moment how fucked up the Texas abortion law is… How does Texas have all this money for bounty hunters? I bet schools, social …

Aug 29, 2021: We took a trip to the MOMA today to see two exhibits. One was called Automania and the other was a wonderful collection of drawings by Cezanne. The …

Aug 26, 2021: We’re going to just go ahead and send all the kids who aren’t eligible for vaccines back to school, aren’t we? I have to imagine Oct will not look at …

Aug 26, 2021: It’s amazing Afghanistan is dominating the news while the worst health crisis is still destroying so many lives. It’s also amazing news outlets are …

Aug 18, 2021: Mississippi Quarantines 20,000 With 5,993 Students Positive For COVID; Teen Deaths Rise No one should be surprised by this… we did nothing after Sandy …

Jul 22, 2021: The Tomorrow War was terrible. I’m giving everyone in it a pass because there’s a pandemic and everyone’s gotta eat. But mercy did it stink. And …

Jul 13, 2021: We sure do love our children so. I have no idea why I read the news.

May 6, 2021: America is a cruel, cruel country. The proposed MCPS policy says families that do not qualify for federal free and reduced-price meal programs but …

Apr 20, 2021: 🍔👩🏾‍🦱🖕 USDA announces free lunch for all of next school year (2021-2022). Yay! Wait a minute… We could have done this all along but chose not …

Apr 18, 2021: ☠️☠️☠️ I took a three-hour walk today with a friend. I was gone for just three hours. I came home to rest and read the news (which is never, ever …

Apr 11, 2021: Best pandemic hobby!

Apr 6, 2021: I said to my wife tonight, “The only woman I’d leave you for is Jen Psaki.” And she said, “Yeah, that’s fine.” I …

Mar 25, 2021: 👴🗒📰 I watched President Biden’s press conference today and I have never been more embarrassed watching our national press than I was today. Our …

Mar 19, 2021: Is 550,000 a lot?

Mar 15, 2021: Congratulations to Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland. The best time to have her in this position was a long time ago, but the second best time was …

Mar 14, 2021: ⌨️⌨️⌨️ New clicky keyboard!

Mar 14, 2021: 💉👩🏻👍🏻 I got my first vaccination today. It was run so efficiently I was out of there in under 25 min (with the 15 min reaction wait included). Well …

Mar 11, 2021: 👩🏻‍🦰💪❤️ My word is Jen Psaki awesome. Awesome isn’t even the right word. She’s a true professional and I honestly can’t think of any other press …

Mar 7, 2021: It was years ago when McCain picked, somehow, Palin to be his running mate I began to hear the phrase “lame stream media.” While Palin …

Mar 5, 2021: If I swoon any harder over Jen Psaki I’m gonna pull a muscle. Please keep kicking ass, Jen.

Mar 2, 2021: How anyone can see the GOP as anything other than a death cult is beyond me. Hasn’t this guy overseen enough death?

Feb 27, 2021: America.

Feb 11, 2021: We sure do love our children so. (Narrator: They do not love their children so.)

Feb 4, 2021: Is 450,000 a lot?

Jan 22, 2021: GOP lawmakers seek to end mask mandate, public health emergency. Looks like there’ll be cheap land in Wisconsin soon.

Jan 13, 2021: 🇺🇸🏛🤦 Is two a lot?

Jan 13, 2021: 🇺🇸🏴‍☠️🇺🇸 The start of a civil war doesn’t get a date until history looks back on it. I’m guessing it’ll be around Jan 6, 2021, though.

Jan 12, 2021: 🖕🖕🖕 No Republican is dumping Trump because they’ve suddenly found a conscience. He’s dead weight, so they’re cutting him loose. They still think like …

Jan 12, 2021: Is he still, you know, president?

Jan 10, 2021: Using the American flag to beat the police who are trying to protect the Capitol building.

Jan 5, 2021: ❤️📱❤️ I’ve been seeing a bunch of articles lately about how the iPhone 12 mini isn’t selling as well as the other iPhones. Likely that’s true. But …

Jan 2, 2021: ☠️☠️☠️ The GOP is a death cult.

Jan 1, 2021: Is 350,000 a lot?

Jan 1, 2021: First day of the new year and I’ve already stayed up too late.

Dec 30, 2020: 💲= ☠️ The policies which allow this to happen will, eventually, look as barbaric as doctors not washing hands between patients.

Dec 28, 2020: 📚 I finally read Slaughterhouse 5 by Kurt Vonnegut. I have no idea why I hadn’t read this before, but that’s fixed now. Rating: 👍

Dec 28, 2020: 🍿 I watched two movies recently. Rating as such: The Midnight Sky: 👎 Soul: 👍

Dec 24, 2020: Laying on the bed explaining how to wrap presents while my wife actually wraps the presents is going over as well as could be expected.

Dec 21, 2020: How in the world has Trump not been impeached again? Also, at this point, I also have no idea why our constitution has the 25th amendment. Did the …

Dec 19, 2020: For about a third of the episodes of The Mandalorian I’ve literally stood up to watch. I would go from sitting back on the couch, to sitting up …

Dec 16, 2020: Looks like I’ve just become a fan of someone I’ve not heard of until right now. Some advisers close to President-elect Joe Biden are frustrated over …

Dec 11, 2020: So Trump and the GOP spent money on a wall to protect from a made-up problem and passed on buying a vaccine to a problem that is literally killing …

Dec 5, 2020: Only one side doing this.

Dec 5, 2020: Only one side doing this.

Dec 4, 2020: The Mandalorian is such a good TV show that 1) I can’t believe it’s a TV show and 2) If it was a person, I’d hug them. It really puts the prequels and …

Dec 2, 2020: One quibble with this It’s impossible to overemphasize just how much the White House has failed all of us. Everyone left to fend for …

Dec 1, 2020: I don’t understand why so many Dems retweet (or rebroadcast) those on the right. Even when you agree with the sentiment, these are the folks that got …

Nov 30, 2020: My daughter is home from college and is thrilled about being back here with us. That reinforces we did an OK job making a decent home1. In this trying …

Nov 29, 2020: I’ve long said NYC isn’t as pedestrian-friendly as it should be. When the pandemic first took hold here it was actually much easier to …

Nov 28, 2020: Every time I read about spikes in COVID cases I get super paranoid. Then I realize many (not all, of course) of these places are super anti-mask and I …

Nov 28, 2020: My dilemma is to keep ranting about politics or … Naw, I’m going to keep ranting (and voting) until things get better. Well, I’ll keep voting …

Nov 26, 2020: I’ve had to adjust my expectations for Thanksgiving. It’s just my immediate family. The pandemic is terrible and I wish it hadn’t …

Nov 25, 2020: Thanksgiving Day is tomorrow. And that means instead of a gathering of 25+, we’ll be just us four. And a call or two (Zoom/FaceTime) because we’re …

Nov 25, 2020: I love it when a tweet sums up my feelings. The right still controls the narrative.

Nov 24, 2020: I think every trip to the grocery store has to include non-perishable provisions. If I can carry it, I’ll get it.

Nov 23, 2020: When I went to the grocery store this evening for a forgotten ingredient, I noticed more and more seating built along the street. Wood frames, …

Nov 22, 2020: Our collective activity is bordering on insanity.

Nov 22, 2020: During my walk around Brooklyn yesterday I came across two huge lines of people waiting to get tested for COVID. I’ve not seen that happen ever while …

Nov 21, 2020: I’m going to bed at 9pm on a Saturday. If autumn does this to me already, I worry what winter will do. Zzzzz…

Nov 20, 2020: Today marks one full week with the iPhone 12 mini and I have absolutely no buyer’s remorse. It might very well be my favorite iPhone, but if it’s not, …

Nov 20, 2020: I hope this time will never fade from my memory or the memory of my children. I want them to always remember who allowed this to happen and is …

Nov 19, 2020: If those supporting or attempting to perpetrate a turnover of the election results are not punished for their actions, they will continue these …

Nov 19, 2020: This person might be the worst possible choice for Secretary of Transportation. I’m not saying Biden is going to pick Rahm… But if he …

Nov 18, 2020: Is 250,000 a lot?

Nov 18, 2020: When Apple begins to act up, I always take a step back to reassess my dependence on their products and services. I’m glad today’s step, however small, …

Nov 17, 2020: By the time I retire from day-to-da y work, I hope I can ride an expanded train system in the United States.

Nov 17, 2020: My mind is having a hard time finding memories. I’m not worried that I’m losing my mind, it’s just with so much going on I can’t easily keep track of …

Nov 15, 2020: Fox News is very bad. In fact, I used to think it was the worst. But Facebook is far worse. Not only it is easier to amplify a message, folks interact …

Nov 14, 2020: I am not sure this counts as spooky… maybe more as eerie Or just sad. The New York Times’s Twitter account about war is shutting down …

Nov 14, 2020: My guess was right: This iPhone 12 mini is very good. I’m still unsure of the battery, but it’s new so I’ll give it a few days to get itself together.

Nov 12, 2020: I think the most surprising aspect of my Apple Watch is that it’s not been an issue to wear it. I really thought I’d hate feeling something on my …

Nov 11, 2020: Say what you want, but a few months of $100… and I have a new Mac mini. Hmm…

Nov 10, 2020: Because of this administration, this election cycle, and the current shenanigans, I don’t just feel old and tired, I feel elderly. I wake up at night …

Nov 9, 2020: So… are we the people going to force Trump to leave the White House or will he use the military to force us to shut up?

Nov 9, 2020: Why was the Secretary of Defense fired? This seems so odd to me.

Nov 8, 2020: The DCCC doesn’t move to the left, they are going to find themselves in a bind come election time.

Nov 7, 2020: NYC didn’t celebrate this much when Obama won either time. This is really something. There was an inflated sense of dread earlier this week and this …

Nov 6, 2020: It’s puzzling the media haven’t called the election. If Trump we’re in the lead the election would have been called.

Nov 5, 2020: Growing up in the suburbs of NJ we’d have garage sales but didn’t own a garage. Now living in the city we have stoop sales but don’t have a stoop. I …

Nov 4, 2020: Gonna need to listen to a lot of John Prine today. Thanks to his wonderful music and stories he’ll always be near.

Nov 3, 2020: I’m honestly astonished this is at all a close election. I get folks have different views on topics, but how in the world is there this much …

Nov 2, 2020: After I vote tomorrow I hope I can concentrate on work. But it might be a lost day…

Nov 1, 2020: It’s a dreary day here and I’m sick over the upcoming election, but today we’re focusing on making our home as comfortable as possible for whatever …

Oct 31, 2020: If Biden wins this election and Dems don’t immediately take steps to: Abolish the electoral college, make voter registration automatic at 18, and move …

Oct 26, 2020: Apple Engineer Novall Khan feels spiritually related to AOC. Both super smart women trying to make the better world. I bet they do make it better, …

Oct 24, 2020: 🍿 We watched The Way I See It and, after being annoyed at how good of a photographer Pete Souza is, we enjoyed it.1 In not too long a time we’re going …

Oct 13, 2020: 📷 A northeast path from Prospect Park West into Prospect Park in Brooklyn, NY. 8:31pm. Late evening walks make for a less crowded park which is, under …

Oct 7, 2020: Not only am I still in disbelief American newspapers aren’t running banner headlines demanding the president resign, I can’t understand how the hell …

Oct 7, 2020: Trump got the nuclear football guy sick? Trump has gotten more military personnel sick than, I imagine, any terrorist could have hoped to do …

Sep 30, 2020: 📰 I can’t believe I didn’t know the Newseum app, Today’s Front Pages, existed. This is the kind of thing I’ve dreamed about. It’s available for …

Sep 30, 2020: While two old white men argued last night… Greenland’s ice sheet got smaller and smaller.

Sep 29, 2020: “Folks, talk about whatever you like because I have no control over this.” -Wallace

Sep 28, 2020: I’m a bit embarrassed to say that all it took for me to forget about Instagram was moving the app to a folder on my second home screen. I …

Sep 27, 2020: $750.

Sep 26, 2020: I don’t agree often with Marco Arment but I completely agree there are too many scams in the App Store. Maybe it’s time for an App Store within the …

Sep 26, 2020: DeSantis is like the Florida of governors.

Sep 18, 2020: Thank Ted It’s Friday!

Sep 16, 2020: Nothing, on any level, will ever get better in the United States until the United States adopts a single-payer health care system. Everything revolves …

Sep 13, 2020: As I watch the West Coast burn, I am reminded of the show Newsroom and this scene about climate change. Now, sure, it was fiction. The West Coast …

Sep 10, 2020: 📰 Woodward had recordings since February and we’re only hearing about them now?!

Sep 4, 2020: New rule: Ted Lasso needs to be on 52 weeks a year. We’re in a pandemic and it’s incredibly important to see some optimism on a weekly basis.

Sep 2, 2020: I keep seeing headlines that read (I’m paraphrasing) Biden campaign brings in $300 million (Clinton brought in $150 million in same time frame) …

Sep 1, 2020: 📰 Every single newspaper should be calling for Trump to resign1. Who is controlling Biden? “People that you’ve never heard of, people that are in the …

Aug 24, 2020: Justin Townes Earle I have two stories about meeting Justin Townes Earle. They aren’t amazing stories and I guess I’m writing them down so I remember (or at least …

Aug 23, 2020: 🍔🍟☠️ I wonder how many died as a result of not listening to health experts? Do the people responsible for this feel any guilt? Haha, just kidding. …

Aug 20, 2020: 😍🎶👩🏻 I just watched Linda Rondstadt: The Sound of My Voice and damn it was great. If you are not familiar with Linda Rondstadt, you are in for a …

Aug 20, 2020: 🏫👩🏾‍🦱📓 Reopening in-person teaching in grade schools now is premature. There is no vaccine and there aren’t enough treatments of symptoms. I’m fully …

Aug 16, 2020: I dropped off my daughter (she’s the oldest) at college today. It was a weird feeling of being proud, being the sad kind of happy, and being anxious …

Aug 10, 2020: Even with a vaccine (which is still only a maybe), 2021 will be another lost year.

Aug 7, 2020: This is such bullshit. The school system is only reversing her suspension because it makes them look bad, not because they truly believe they were …

Aug 1, 2020: The olds are scared. Lower it to 16, I say.

Jul 28, 2020: Is 150,000 a lot?

Jul 21, 2020: 🖕 Those playing a game know to protect their own and sacrifice the pawns first. The amount of fuck and you can’t be combined fast enough for these …

Jul 20, 2020: “These kids have got to get back to school,” Parson told Cox. “They’re at the lowest risk possible. And if they do get COVID-19, which they will — and …

Jul 19, 2020: 🖕 A designer played a part in this. Boils my blood and reminds me of a zine by my close personal friend, Mike1. Not a close personal friend …

Jul 17, 2020: While it’s true the amount of Black history I don’t know could make for a… long podcast, this episode of 99% Invisible1 Freedom …

Jul 16, 2020: [Ron DeSantis is responsible for a lot of death.] ( And I here I thought Rick Scott was a fuckup.1 …

Jul 14, 2020: ☠️☠️☠️ Fuck the death penalty.

Jul 14, 2020: 👱🏼‍♀️🏫☠️ If school districts insist on opening without an honest-to-goodness plan in mind that centers around the health of everyone (teachers, …

Jul 2, 2020: If people wear masks, we’ll be able to make it long enough to deal with the virus. If people quit Facebook, we’ll be able to make it long enough to …

Jun 28, 2020: My daughter is supposed to start college in the fall (2020). All the schools are talking about going back into session (that is, having students back …

Jun 24, 2020: Turns out 2016 was the most important election.

Jun 12, 2020: Dear Satan, how can I be more evil? (Satan whispers in ear.) OK, I’ll do it!

Jun 12, 2020: Wouldn’t it be something if hospitals were as prepared to help us as police departments were to beat the shit out of us?

May 31, 2020: Also look at the military equipment the police have! Who the fuck are they anticipating to come across? If you think the police are here for you and …

May 31, 2020: Anyone remember the pandemic?

May 28, 2020: I don’t get it. Landlords are going to kick people out because they can’t pay rent only to leave these apartments empty? Who the hell do they think is …

May 27, 2020: We’re going to go from “Teachers should be paid $1 million a day!” to “Tax revenues are down, so the teachers have to go. What else can be done?”

May 24, 2020: The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.

May 20, 2020: Barbershops are open in Georgia, but elections are cancelled. We really are governed by the worst people.

May 15, 2020: Any podcast about libraries is my kind of podcast. Well, in this case, an episode about libraries will do. Libraries will always be my favorite place …

May 14, 2020: An alternative headline could be: More real estate to be available in Platteville, WI in June.

May 11, 2020: Trump is more afraid of real questions from reporters than he is of the virus.

May 6, 2020: Of course states are going to reopen despite thousands dying every day. We didn’t do a fucking thing about guns when little kids were …

May 5, 2020: When I read the news I wonder if we should even bother with a vaccine. I know that most people (the vast vast majority) are doing the right thing …

May 5, 2020: I’m not claiming the Dems are always on the side of the working class (because they are most definitely not), but there really is only one side …

Apr 30, 2020: There is no way Apple isn’t working on the next generation of Smart Connector that does fast charging and fast data transfer. Once it’s done and out, …

Apr 28, 2020: There are far more sociopaths in our society than I thought there were.

Apr 27, 2020: The Bird of Third is keeping me up at night. This time it started up at 2am rather than his more regular time of 3am.

Apr 24, 2020: What have you got to lose indeed.

Apr 23, 2020: Uh oh. Sounds like some Republicans are worried about a Biden presidency. Else why would they pretend to give a shit about the country’s debt? …

Apr 21, 2020: It’s clear to some, but not enough, that our medical system is a criminal grift. If you are rich it’s maybe OK, but for the rest of us?

Apr 18, 2020: Florida opened beaches on 17 April? So, the hospitalizations and death will be in… Mid May? We’re ruled by the dumbest people.

Apr 16, 2020: Checks have been sent out? Here comes the looting.

Apr 14, 2020: Apple should buy the LA Times.

Apr 13, 2020: Just because we are, in fact, flattening the curve, does not mean we are in any way in the clear. As many people are going to get this virus as before …

Apr 9, 2020: So the Biden plan to get asses to the polls is to say to young voters “I’ll lower the eligible age of Medicare to 60. Well, it’s either …

Apr 8, 2020: Not John! Time to turn the lights down low, put on his music, and have a slice of meatloaf.

Apr 3, 2020: Got this email: LOL, you mean how you take my $1 and supply $.74 of healthcare? Like that?

Apr 2, 2020: This is a real quote from the White House site: You can call it a germ, you can call it a flu, you can call it a virus. You know, you can call it …

Apr 1, 2020: This 240,000 number floating around is huge. But something doesn’t seem right. I really think there might be a missing zero (or closer to adding a …

Apr 1, 2020: 📰🤦‍♂️🖕There’s a reason I stopped subscribing to NYTimes years ago and started donating to Pro Publica. I hope you’ll do the same.

Mar 31, 2020: I don’t agree with all the people proposing to thank, applaud, put on a parade for the world’s essential workers. The people proposing …

Mar 30, 2020: Since right after a school shooting is, apparently, not the time to talk about gun violence, is now the time to talk about? Our children are dying and …

Mar 29, 2020: When Biden beat Bernie in several primaries a few weeks ago: And now this. Boy, can’t wait to vote for this guy.

Mar 26, 2020: Man, I love cooking for my family.

Mar 25, 2020: 📰 Every single newspaper needs to begin running as its main headline: Donald Trump is Unfit as President; Resign Now I hope it doesn’t take …

Mar 24, 2020: 🍎😷👎 This is terribly irresponsible. Apple shouldn’t do this until trusted health officials give the okay.

Mar 24, 2020: They really do want to kill us, don’t they?

Mar 22, 2020: As this pandemic continues, we’re going to be reading about government, corps, and individuals doing great things to help out one another. Then we’re …

Mar 21, 2020: Is Joe Biden around?

Mar 19, 2020: 🏛💰🖕 Senators Richard Burr and Kelly Loeffler are despicable people. By Friday morning there better be two open seats in the Senate.

Mar 18, 2020: 😷👨‍⚕️🤦‍♂️ I just realized I got notes from local businesses (pizza, wine stores) about the virus before my regular doctor.

Mar 18, 2020: 📰😦😭 The front pages of newspapers look like movie props from B movies.

Mar 17, 2020: Capitalism is the real snowflake.

Mar 17, 2020: I wonder if everyone still likes their health insurance.

Mar 17, 2020: How has there not been a nationwide curfew enacted?

Mar 16, 2020: Trump to USA, “Drop Dead” President Trump told a group of governors on Monday that they should not wait for the federal government to fill the …

Mar 16, 2020: ⌚️🚶‍♂️😡 Yes, Apple Watch, I know my exercise rings are usually further along! Where’s the “There’s a pandemic!” dismiss …

Mar 16, 2020: 🍪🍪🍪I need to social distance myself from these cookies.

Mar 15, 2020: 🤪😭🤬 These were the wrong people to have in charge during good times. No fucking way they can handle anything remotely bad.

Mar 14, 2020: 🏛👱🏼‍♂️🖕 “I don’t take responsibility at all.” Donald Trump, March 13, 2020, in regards to the government’s mishandling of the response to the COVID-19 …

Mar 12, 2020: The election is in jeopardy.

Mar 11, 2020: 🤔😷☠️ The Unites States is not making good decisions for future generations.

Mar 9, 2020: The Dem's Response to COVID-19 Why aren’t the Dems stepping up to lead since there is no real leadership coming from the White House? While the Dems can’t enact policy alone, …

Mar 7, 2020: 🗓❓❓ 2020 is going to end up being called the lost year.

Mar 5, 2020: 😷🚑🏨 I wonder why other countries with single payer healthcare systems haven’t put pressure on the U.S. to adopt the same kind of program (you know, …

Mar 4, 2020: 💸💵🏦 I keep reading that Michael Bloomberg spent between 300 - 500 million dollars on his campaign. I wonder how long it’ll take him to recoup …

Mar 2, 2020: 🎸🤒😷 Wasn’t there a song in the 80s: When I think about Coronavirus I touch my face? You’d thought we’da learned from that.

Feb 27, 2020: 😷🏨☠️ Heckuva job, Trumpy.

Feb 19, 2020: 🏨🚑👍🏻 Let’s all pay for healthcare for each other.

Feb 17, 2020: 📲👎☢️ Folding phones are like 3D TV: We can make ‘em, but no one will want them. Also, they mostly suck. I just would really like to see Apple …

Jan 5, 2020: 💩💩💩Oh, I get it now. Crimes on the odds days of the month, misdemeanors on the even days.

Jan 4, 2020: 🤦‍♂️📒✏️ It’s a damn sad state of affairs we’re about to enter another war while we can’t supply schools with the needed materials. …

Jan 3, 2020: 💔💀☠️ If you thought Medicare for All was too expensive, wait until you see what war with Iran will cost.

Jan 1, 2020: 🪕 I somehow missed Justin Townes Earle’s 2017 album Kids in the Street. I mean, I know I knew it was out, but never gave it a listen. Hot damn …

Jan 1, 2020: 🤬👎🩹 As my first act of the new year, I closed a window on my finger. Yes, yes, I know. Impressive as it is painful.

Dec 18, 2019: 🏨💸💰 I read this tweet about overnight hospitals stays and for the love of Mr Peterson could everyone stop using the word free? Nothing is free! The …

Dec 14, 2019: ☠️🔫📇 When I came across this tweet of a New Zealander giving up his gun I immediately thought “I can’t imagine this ever ever ever …

Nov 28, 2019: 🍎🗽❓ Apple bows to China by censoring Taiwan flag emoji Apple Removes App That Helps Hong Kong Protesters Track the Police Russia Wants To Be Seen As …

Nov 26, 2019: 🧓🏨🤦‍♂️ Who could have expected this turn of events? Sigh. She didn’t even wait until she got the nod.

Nov 13, 2019: New Keyboard Smell 🍎⌨️😶 It always struck me that Apple, simultaneously, makes a great keyboard and a terrible keyboard. But Apple has seen the light and is now striving …

Nov 8, 2019: 🍎📺➕ I suppose even if folks are complaining about Apple’s TV shows, it’s a win for Apple because people are talking about them.

Nov 6, 2019: AirPods Pro 📱🎧🎤 The moment I saw version one of the AirPods I knew I wanted them. I had already had enough of my EarPods getting caught in a fellow …

Nov 4, 2019: 📺👱🏼‍♂️🏛 It’s been years since I watched The West Wing. Has it been 20? Boy, have I forgotten what ideals felt like. I know, I know, it’s …

Nov 1, 2019: 🎥📺👍 It’s been a banner week in our world of entertainment for me and the boy. We went to see Joker, then I watched one episode of See and both …

Oct 28, 2019: 🍎😠👎 I expect more out of Apple in absolutely everything they do. I also expect restraint. Just because you can do something with a web page …

Oct 26, 2019: 🍎 💻🤮 It’s hard to overstate how badly Apple has failed with its current line of portable Macintosh computers. I’ve been using a 2017 …

Oct 22, 2019: One of my favorite things about using an iPad is when I can’t find it, it’s usually on the kitchen counter under a dish towel or some …

Oct 5, 2019: 🧓👩‍⚕️🚫 My guess is that if Elizabeth Warren gets the Dem nod, she’ll begin to back away from her Medicare-for-all plan. Regardless of what her …

Oct 1, 2019: 🍊🏛⚖️ If Dubya wasn’t charged and prosecuted for crimes, then no U.S. president ever will be. Trump is not going to go to jail. Trump is going to …

Sep 22, 2019: 👶👧🏻🧒🏼 The climate change walkout on Friday got me thinking. First, it got me thinking kids today have their heads on much straighter than their many …

Sep 14, 2019: ⏱📱💪 As time marches on, it feels (literally) like the iPhones are going in the direction of cars. Heavier, bigger, and more expensive. The iPhone 11 …

Sep 13, 2019: 🤱🏫🖕There isn’t any bridge that’s too far to cross, is there? No war crime too horrendous to prosecute: Bush. No killing of children too …

Aug 21, 2019: 🚀📚😐 I finished The Last Astronaut by David Wellington. While I thoroughly enjoyed the first half of the book, I found the second half to be slow and, …

Aug 4, 2019: ☠️☠️☠️ There’s not a single person running for president who is talking about repealing the second amendment. They’ll talk about …

Jul 22, 2019: 📺🤰🤯 Has anyone else watched the documentary [The Handmaid’s Tale]('s_Tale_(TV_series)? It’s …

Jul 20, 2019: 🖕🖕🖕Hey person in charge of upholding the law but is actually a pretty terrible person who often says awful things on social media. Good news! …

Jul 17, 2019: 👳🏽‍♀️👨‍🦳🇺🇸The president of the United States regularly leads two minutes of hate. Well done right wing nut jobs.

Jul 13, 2019: 🍿😂😢 Defying Hollywood’s long-standing precedent of sequels being the pits, Toy Story 4 knocked it out of the ballpark. I didn’t think …

Jul 6, 2019: 🤬 🤓 🛠 With Jony Ive gone, Lisa Jackson needs to throw some face around to impress upon engineering to make the next round of Macs easier to upgrade …

Jul 3, 2019: 🧑🧑🏽👱‍♀️ I think we’ll see a Warren/Harris ticket for Dems. Maybe be Warren/Castro ticket, but Warren/Harris is probably better. I also think it …

Jul 1, 2019: ☠️☠️☠️ Where are the mass graves?

Jun 29, 2019: 🤒🤷‍♂️🏛 Dementia makes for a better Manchurian candidate.

Jun 26, 2019: 🏫👫❤️Many months ago I wrote about traditions. I guess it’s hypocritical of me to have poked fun at the idea of them when, holy hell, I make them …

Jun 24, 2019: 🗽☠️⛺️ How long before we’re invaded because of our concentration camps?

Jun 14, 2019: 💩👎🤷‍♂️ Wait wait wait. Huawei thought if this didn’t go well it could “destroy its reputation”? are you telling me it got close enough to production …

Jun 13, 2019: 💸🏫🖕Boomers pay just $10 per college credit. Nice! Now how about the rest of us?

Jun 12, 2019: 👋🇺🇸🤒 Thanks to John Stewart for convincing Congress to do the right thing. Now how about the rest of us?

Jun 10, 2019: 🍓🤤❤️ My local grocery store (Park Slope Food Coop) has the good strawberries right now and I honestly can’t get enough of them. They’re only here for …

Jun 8, 2019: 🤓🖥💪 It would be something if the folks who clamored for a pro Mac find the computer they actually want is the iMac Pro.

May 29, 2019: 🤕 👩‍⚕️ 🖕 Holy forking shirtballs! This is NOT awesome. It’s the perfect example of how forked our healthcare system is. Need a walker? Go the Home …

May 22, 2019: 🏛 🍪 🖕 Here’s the deal: There is no talking to right wingers. They are not arguing in good faith. They. Don’t. Give. A. Shit. California Representative …

May 13, 2019: 📱 Apps are, for the most part, dirt cheap. I do admit when I was first buying apps for iOS I was a little weird about it all. “I don’t …

May 11, 2019: 🇺🇸 Republicans aren’t afraid of socialism. They’re afraid of democracy.

May 10, 2019: ☠️ When it comes to gun violence, we have let our children down to the point they are now sacrificing themselves in order to save others. Kendrick …

May 9, 2019: 📺 I gulped down the Netflix series Dead to Me. I enjoyed it very much. The series starred two actors who, in my opinion, could never get enough screen …

May 8, 2019: 🧒 We sure do love our children. I’ll say this until things change: Everyday I’m thankful the children don’t turn again us. However, …

May 5, 2019: 🚗 Flying cars will not save us from climate change. Unless, I guess, they fall out of the sky in such great numbers they reduce the population of …

May 4, 2019: ☠️ This used to be a big deal. Now you (and I) can’t recall the one before the most recent one.

May 1, 2019: 🛠 The right to repair is so obvious it’s hard to believe we have to even discuss it. Apple is absolutely on the wrong side of this fight. …

Apr 29, 2019: 📰 I mentioned recently that I went to school for journalism but didn’t pursue it as a career. The reason wasn’t because newspaper people, …

Apr 28, 2019: 📽 I watched movie Obit. While it’s maybe not your typical Saturday night movie, it was engaging and brought back a lot of memories. I went to …

Apr 26, 2019: 🚀 I worry about getting older. Not scary health things (though I’ve had at least one I remember and I guess they do worry me), but I’m …

Apr 23, 2019: 🏫 The GOP is not working towards a better America. The GOP is working towards a dumber, more ignorant, more at-risk America. An America where they can …

Apr 22, 2019: 📻 The splintering of podcasting is here and it’s disheartening.

Apr 13, 2019: 👳🏽‍♀️ The president’s attack against Ilhan Omar is awful, yet predictable. Still, it’s gross, reprehensible, and only aimed at riling up …

Apr 10, 2019: 🛠 Now that Lisa Jackson has gone on the record saying Apple wants its products to last longer (iOS 12 kicked serious ass on that front), it’s …

Apr 7, 2019: 🤭 I finally decided, after years, that Instagram doesn’t make me happy. At least when I follow people I know. So I unfollowed people and now follow …

Mar 22, 2019: My mom and I didn’t get much time together as adults. Well, as two adults. So I never got a lot of wisdom that I was able to take with me into …

Mar 20, 2019: 🗽 If voting is to be meaningful, here’s what America would do in regards to voting: Have same day registration Abolish electoral college Voting …

Mar 19, 2019: 📰 I sure do like all the new doodads Apple has been releasing lately, but I think this is likely to have a bigger and better long-term impact.

Feb 18, 2019: 🤮 I remain completely confident that Facebook will go down as a net negative on the world. Twitter too. It’s not that social media is bad, …

Feb 15, 2019: 🖥 When there’s a big acquisition like Amazon buying Eero (sigh), there’s always talk about FAANG buying up small companies and ruining …

Feb 13, 2019: 📱 I know Apple is a big corporation that I clearly have too much invested in (mentally and otherwise), but I do appreciate the fact that of all the …

Feb 12, 2019: 📺 I’m now following all the cast members of Travelers on Instagram in some weird way, I guess, to hang on to the show a little longer. But …

Jan 24, 2019: 👩 Casey Smitherman did the right thing and if she gets any punishment for this, well… It’s horseshit. This is the kind of action I would …

Jan 24, 2019: 👏 Now this is how to write about these bullshit Apple stories. It’s like arguing with much of the right now: It’s not in good faith. We …

Jan 17, 2019: 👩🏻‍🎤 I bumped into my son’s kindergarten teacher the other night. At the time my son was in kindergarten, I had a very flexible schedule and was …

Jan 15, 2019: 👩‍⚕️ A lot of people are talking about Apple’s next big thing. Many people are claiming there’ll be nothing as big as the iPhone. …

Jan 12, 2019: 🎥 I just saw the latest Spider-Man movie with my son. Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse is such a fun, incredibly well-made movie that I’m …

Jan 9, 2019: 💔 I gotta wonder how well this article from The Verge is going to age. Because I can’t imagine this story about the Apple Watch will be the only …

Jan 7, 2019: 📲 Apple so needs to up its game when it comes to the App Store. This kind of crap is exactly what shouldn’t be in the App Store and, if …

Jan 5, 2019: 👩🏽‍🦰 We’re going to impeach the motherfucker?! Oh no, get me to the fainting couch, stat! How awesome 1) there is video of it and 2) She is not …

Jan 2, 2019: 📷 I know it’s incredibly old school and kinda weird, but I’ve been so happy messing around with my photo blog (an import of Instagram) …

Dec 28, 2018: ⌨️ I’ve run into a weird bug with my clicky keyboard when using it with my iPad Pro. When I wake the iPad from sleep while the iPad is connected …

Dec 27, 2018: ⌨️ Hobbies are a weird thing. Some of us get totally into some obscure area of interest while others don’t even know the whatever even exists. …

Dec 22, 2018: 🥤 I have begun my first attempt at cold brew from scratch.* I bought my first-ever burr grinder and some OXO cold brew pitcher contraption. Burr …

Dec 18, 2018: 📺 If there is not a fourth season of Travelers then the world is shite and I don’t want to watch TV any longer. I haven’t loved characters …

Dec 16, 2018: 🤝 I spent some time on Friday and Saturday trying to get a Drafts action working, although honestly I had no idea what I was looking at. So I found …

Dec 14, 2018: ☠️ It’s shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone the United States of America would let a little girl die in custody when it’s the same callous country …

Dec 13, 2018: ☠️ Now we’re killing the children we’ve kidnapped. How anyone -anyone at all- can remain members of the Republican Party is beyond me.* …

Dec 12, 2018: 💻 Here’s the thing, Jeff with a G, the best products aren’t always the most expensive. I bought the 11" iPad and, man, it feels like …

Dec 12, 2018: 🖥 I hope others are worried the one company which controls much of what’s seen on the internet is about to control how we see it too. For a …

Dec 12, 2018: 🏛 For years now I’ve been going on and on* about how we should lower the minimum age for president and also lower maximum age for president. …

Dec 10, 2018: 🛰 Voyager 2 has entered interstellar space. If I had a vocabulary that was more majestic or breath-taking rather than proletariat, I’d be able …

Dec 9, 2018: 🤓 I used my new 11" iPad Pro without the keyboard folio this weekend. It’s so incredibly light. It continues to remind me of the iPhone 5 …

Dec 8, 2018: 🚗 Of course cars are a problem. If/when (OK, it’s really just IF) I ever leave NYC and my beloved Brooklyn, it would only be for a far …

Dec 8, 2018: 🤓 I don’t get jealous about non-Apple tech all that often, but this NUC that my friend got is getting to me. It’s the Mac Mini I wish …

Dec 6, 2018: 💡 I’ve reached the point where my watch needs a software update (and sometimes restarted) but also my lightbulbs need a software update. Up to …

Dec 6, 2018: 🖕 Believing both sides of the science is like saying “I believe Tom Petty is alive and dead.” I wonder if she could have any motivations …

Dec 5, 2018: ⚖️ Welcome back to the game of Worst State of the Union. Florida is still in the lead, but a new challenger is coming up fast. After having their …

Dec 4, 2018: ⚖️ When things like this happen, it feels like the truth doesn’t matter at all anymore.

Dec 4, 2018: 💻 I agree it’s a cute ad poking a little fun at the iPad, but why in the world would MS show its store as empty? Is this a spin on the whole …

Dec 3, 2018: 💀 American football should be banned from schools. It’s literally hurting children every day and it should be banned.

Dec 3, 2018: 📷 I received a picture of my father today. It was sent to me by my cousin and I didn’t think to ask how he came upon it. I guessed it was from …

Dec 2, 2018: 🗽 I’ve learned more about how Congress works from Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Instagram account than from anything else. Well almost …

Nov 30, 2018: ☠️ What am I supposed to say here? Things are going swimmingly and everyone will be okay? I wonder if there’ll be a day when I don’t feel …

Nov 29, 2018: 😬 Google subsidiary doing a thing. That by itself gives me pause, even if it’s a bit (or totally!) unfair. But another – possible less …

Nov 28, 2018: 📲 Thanks to Jason Snell’s site for pointing out this great post criticizing the App Store. It’s freshing to read real honest issues about …

Nov 27, 2018: 😞 I was one of the people who crapped all over Monica Lewinsky during the whole stupid Clinton affair. I don’t exactly remember my thought …

Nov 26, 2018: 💻 Engadget asks Do you really need a tablet? By tablet they mean, of course, iPad. There’s no tablet market to speak of. There’s just …

Nov 25, 2018: ☠️ Romaine lettuce needs to ask the NRA for tips to find out how it can keep being sold regardless of how many it kills.

Nov 24, 2018: 📲 Out with the old and in with the new. My 12.9" iPad Pro and our old 2011 MacBook Pro left Brooklyn today and a new 11" iPad Pro has …

Nov 24, 2018: 🎥 I think it’s funny I fell asleep during the movie Inception and am therefore a little confused about the ending. Others in the family …

Nov 22, 2018: ☠️ All I want to do is write how I’m thankful for my family and friends, but, really, I’m nothing but angry and sad much of the time. …

Nov 22, 2018: 🤓 My big tech purge project is coming to a close. While the goal wasn’t to go without using a Mac as my main personal computer, it will be the …

Nov 20, 2018: 💪 In the world of superpowers everyone picks invisibility or flying, right? I never thought of “No sense of shame” as a superpower, but …

Nov 19, 2018: 📺 We just finished the series House of Cards and, while I loved the series overall, I really didn’t like how it all ended. Frig.

Nov 18, 2018: 🤔 How come we never see things like this posted about Apple? I am genuinely curious. Is it that Apple doesn’t donate at all, doesn’t get …

Nov 17, 2018: 📰 Thanks to Kate Aronoff for pointing out that those on the “left” opposing the progressive plan of a New Green Deal are getting money …

Nov 17, 2018: 🏛 This has to be the most positive I’ve felt about politics in years, maybe decades. When I saw that protestors were holding up signs to sitting …

Nov 17, 2018: 🎂 My son turned 13 today and now there’s no getting around he’s not my little boy… I love each phase of my children’s lives, but boy I wish the …

Nov 15, 2018: 👊🏻 The right would ignore Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez if they weren’t afraid of her. But they are. And she’s coming for you boys.

Nov 14, 2018: 👩🏾‍🦱 A week ago I was almost inconsolable. Then I saw this picture and I saw the future of America and I immediately felt better. I hope these people …

Nov 13, 2018: 💻 I was so close to buying an 11" iPad Pro until Jason Snell posted the perfect picture in his review of the new iPad Pro models. Now I am not …

Nov 12, 2018: 🗳 While I certainly appreciate the sentiment, I am not sure this is something that can happen on a federal level. But because some states are all …

Nov 11, 2018: 👩🏻‍💼 ❤️ 🇺🇸 If Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez doesn’t cut out this do-gooder crap, she’s going to wind up getting elected president of the United …

Nov 10, 2018: 💻 I just stopped at the Apple Store (Downtown Brooklyn) to touch the new MacBook Air and the new iPad Pro models. A couple things struck me: The MBA …

Nov 10, 2018: 🥃 Whenever I have one of those weeks (or days), I get into a cleaning mode. Since I can’t really run away, I decide that cleaning and getting …

Nov 9, 2018: 👩🏻‍💻 Thanks to Jason Snell for introducing me(1) to more women in tech through his podcast Download.(2) I’ve been listening to Carolina Milanesi …

Nov 7, 2018: 🏛 I’ve spent a lot of the last 24 hours being angry about the outcome of the election. Stacy Abrams and Andrew Gillum would have been fantastic …

Nov 6, 2018: 🗳 I voted today and it felt great. As soon as I was done, the pit in my stomach came back and I’ve felt like it’s been there all day. Now …

Nov 5, 2018: 🗳 I’m so excited to vote tomorrow I can barely stand it. I know things won’t radically change (they might not even change at all), but I …

Nov 4, 2018: 🌎 On Friday (November 2), during my lunch break, I decided to take a long walk to clear my thoughts before wrapping up a week’s work. I live in …

Nov 3, 2018: ⚖️ I keep reading about people who have never voted and it blows me away. I’d love to read stories not just about first-time voters, but why …

Nov 2, 2018: ☕️ My superpower is being able to (continue to) drink coffee at the opposite temperature it was served.

Nov 1, 2018: 🎃 When I was younger I used to think traditions only came from people trying to relive the past. My wife’s tradition of insisting we watch The …

Oct 31, 2018: 💻 My daughter is in need of a newer computer for school. When it comes to schoolwork, it makes complete sense, in my mind, an iPad is the right …

Oct 30, 2018: 💻 I am insanely jealous of everyone who has already ordered an iPad Pro. But I am super happy for everyone who got something of what they wanted …

Oct 30, 2018: 📚 I am not sure how I came across this app, but boy is Libby a piece of cake to set up, use AND (here’s where I’m going with this) get …

Oct 29, 2018: 📱 If you watched me use my XR you’d think I miss the home button. Muscle memory is a hard thing to break.

Oct 28, 2018: 📻 I love podcasts. I listen to podcasts more than watch movies or shows, more than listen to music, more than read books (sorry, Ma). Every once in a …

Oct 27, 2018: 📱 I haven’t had my iPhone XR 24 hours and it’s my favorite phone since the iPhone 5. I’ve had 5 iPhones and my most recent one, the …

Oct 26, 2018: 📷 I wonder if I could do this with my X-100F which, predictably, sits on my nightstand as another object gathering dust. I mean, I could just decide …

Oct 24, 2018: 📚 I’ve been reading Arthur C Clarke’s book The Nine Billion Names of God. I read that particular short story in high school and it’s …

Oct 6, 2018: 💻 I find most of the complaints about Apple to be nonsense. It’s typically done for clicks: Put Apple in a headline and folks read the article. …

Sep 14, 2018: 🚀 I’m with my son and we’re about to watch 2001: A Space Odyssey at Lincoln Center with the New York Philharmonic. I can barely contain my …

Sep 12, 2018: ⌚️ The Apple Watch Series 4 feels like the beginning of something much bigger than a notifcation system slash fitness tracker. A device that has the …

Sep 12, 2018: 📱 I’ve been hoping for colors for all the products for a while now. I guess I’ll jump on the iPhone Xr wagon. Let’s try yellow.

Sep 2, 2018: ❤️ The Apple Heart Study has ended. I submitted 1,560 heart rhythm data points. In the big picture I know it’s not much, but I feel good about …

Sep 1, 2018: 📚 I finished two books while on vacation. The first one was Unlocked by John Scalzi. I have no idea why I read this before his other book Lock In but …

Sep 1, 2018: 🔥 I built my first campfire last week. It was pretty decent for a city slicker. We made s’mores.

Aug 24, 2018: 🚙 The second row behind the passenger in a modern minivan is the secret to a wonderful vacation. I have two arm rests, my own AC vent, a shade for my …

Aug 17, 2018: 📷 Jason Snell’s Six Colors site offers tips from time to time and I always find them to be super helpful. This article about organizing photos from …

Aug 16, 2018: I like Seattle.

Aug 12, 2018: When Old Friends Visit I’m using all my powers to get Rob to move back to NYC.

Aug 11, 2018: Go @Marco, Go!

Aug 11, 2018: 📚 I just finished reading Small Great Things by Jodi Picoult. I liked the story, but the writing didn’t feel authentic. Everyone came across as …

Aug 9, 2018: Apple should absolutely remove the Infowars app from App Store. It makes no sense delist the podcast and still keep the app. Apple, remove the app.

Aug 8, 2018: 📰 I am so glad to support Pro Publica each month. This reporting is the kind of work I only dreamed of doing in college. Anyway, who the hell is …

Aug 7, 2018: 🇺🇸 Even if they don’t all win, this is what the future looks like. And it sure as hell doesn’t look like the Republican party.

Aug 6, 2018: 🖕 Apple removing Alex Jones from its database is the first step (and one that was long overdue) in what I hope is a march towards removing his …

Aug 4, 2018: 📚 I just finished The Heart’s Invisible Furies, by John Boyne. It was a lot of story. Despite so much sadness, I give it my just-made-up-now …

Aug 4, 2018: 🎧 I just thoroughly cleaned out my AirPods and I think I have PTSD.

Aug 3, 2018: 💻 Apple must realize not only is 5GB an embarrassingly small amount of storage to offer as its free tier, it’s also not enough for its customers …

Aug 1, 2018: ☢️ Wow, hell of a grift. And so many fell for it.

Jul 26, 2018: 💻 Between age and better technology, I am finding it harder and harder to use my 11" MacBook Air. I think it’s the new way macOS Mojave …

Jul 18, 2018: ☢️ While it may bring some joy, as a whole, Facebook is detrimental to society.

Jun 25, 2018: 📲 iOS 12 Public Beta is a little pokey on iPad Mini 2, but perfectly serviceable. I think it’s even faster than under iOS 11.x. Impressive considering …

Jun 20, 2018: 🏨 As part of being a U.S. citizen, it’s now become necessary to tell our government to NOT do bad things. So, here goes: Dear Government, …

Jun 19, 2018: 🏛 Do we really have to call our elected officials to let them know we don’t support putting children in cages? If that’s the case, we already …

Jun 18, 2018: ⚖️ It will take a lifetime to undo just 18 months of this administration. The world is listening.

Jun 6, 2018: 🏛 I just completed jury duty and, because Brooklyn is awesome, got a ton of work done thanks to court-supplied Wi-Fi.

May 30, 2018: 🚘 Can you imagine if people walking on sidewalks acted the way many do while driving? You’d be walking, get up behind someone, and yell, at the …

May 21, 2018: 👨🏾 On May 9, I had a small medical issue which resulted with me falling down some of an escalator at DeKalb on Flatbush Ave. A stranger helped me to …

Apr 27, 2018: 💻 Today is the first time (ever!) that I’ve gotten bitten by the “Apple changed the screws on a notebook to prevent you from doing …

Apr 25, 2018: 📺 The second season of A Series of Unfortunate Events is far darker (so far) than season one. Far less fun despite the acting being quite good. I …

Apr 24, 2018: ✊🏻 My son and daughter each walked out of their schools on Friday to protest gun violence. My daughter got four days of detention because of it. They …

Apr 23, 2018: 🏫 💻 Apple created a Pro Workflow Team to study how professionals work in order to make better products. It’s time Apple do the same in education …

Apr 22, 2018: 📺 Using a scale of thumbs up/thumbs down I’d give the Netflix version of Lost in Space a thumbs up. No episodes were as good as BSG’s …

Apr 20, 2018: ⚖️ Now this what change looks like (before it actually changes). These meddling kids are going to make things happen!

Apr 16, 2018: 🏛 It’s one thing to be upset at the current administration, but this has been going on for decades. Seriously, why don’t we care about public …

Apr 13, 2018: 📺 I watched the rebooted Lost in Space on Netflix tonight. Meh. I watched it because I’ll watch any danged thing that is sci-fi, but this was a …

Apr 5, 2018: 🏫 My time to help my children pay for college is rapidly approaching. I am fortunate enough to be able to pay for at least some of their college …

Apr 5, 2018: 💻 News of the Mac Pro not coming until 2019 doesn’t affect me at all, but I sure am glad they are still updating folks on the Mac Pro’s status. …

Apr 4, 2018: 💻 I love Apple Pay, but I am not sure I’ve convinced anyone else to enable it. These ads that Apple posted are fun, but are absolutely the wrong way …

Mar 17, 2018: 📺 David Letterman’s show on Netflix is such a pleasure to watch. I wish it was weekly rather than monthly.