Monday, November 26, 2018
💻 Engadget asks Do you really need a tablet?
By tablet they mean, of course, iPad. There’s no tablet market to speak of. There’s just iPad. That’s not me saying so, the market speaks for itself.
The question that should be asked is, Do you need a legacy laptop? For most people most of the time, the answer is no. The iPad does what most people want most of the time. And it’s easier and more reliable. Hell, it lasts longer too!
To be clear, that doesn’t mean legacy products are bad! I use one all day long and I love it. My 2017 MacBook Pro (no touchbar, sad face emoji here) and the latest version of macOS (Mojave) is great. When the premise of an article is off, one should wonder what exactly is the motivation that caused that article to be created.