Planes, Trains, and Automobiles
Thursday, February 20, 2025 →
I was going to link to the positive effects of NYC’s Congestion Pricing.
But then King Cheeto got involved. I don’t even know why since he doesn’t even live here. Perhaps it’s purely because he hates NYC for hating him and that translates to making it worse for folks living here. So much for States’ Rights, I guess.
And, man, I don’t understand my governor Kathy Hochul. She delayed this and even lowered the fee (forget the part where she totally made up the part where diner owners in NYC were worried folks from NJ weren’t going to go from NJ to NYC to go to a diner). But now that John Barron is getting all pushy Hochul is now in favor of it? Yeah, I know it’s working as intended and that’s why she is in favor of it, but not for lack of trying to make it not work.
Tuesday, February 4, 2025 →
Why don’t I have more faith in humanity? We still don’t know how to wear masks properly. Mouth and nose should be covered. How do you still think your honker hanging out is effective? How do people not understand this?
And the reason I’m writing this at all now is I just saw a woman on the subway lower her mask to cough. To cough!
Friday, October 11, 2024 →
Did Elon Musk just invent the bus? I really wonder if he thinks that. Wait until the tech bros realize they can string a bunch of ‘em together!
Wednesday, October 2, 2024 →
EVs aren’t catching as much not because charging is hard and not because the range isn’t there, they are simply too expensive. When a new model comes out, I no longer first check range, instead I check price. Oh, look, the new Polestar 3 is very close to coming out. It’s $73,000. To start?!
I know I’m beginning to get up in years, but holy cow is that expensive. And at the risk of sounding old and cranky (maybe that older and crankier?), I sure would love to see something like the 2020 Honda HR-V (2024 and on are now too big) become completely electric. Don’t change anything else that doesn’t need to be changed. For god’s sake, don’t whizbangify the door handles! Good door handles are a solved problem. Glove box latches are a solved problem.
I wish this idea had become a reality.
Tuesday, October 1, 2024 →
Why in the world are these new postal trucks constantly labeled as goofy while current F-150s, Silverados, and RAMs aren’t? You need a step to get into these machismo trucks, can’t reach the truck bed from the side, and, most importantly, you can’t see kids or passenger cars from the driver’s seat! The pickups also get crap fuel economy.
Anyway, I happen to think the new postal trucks are cool as heck. And the folks driving them love them.
Thursday, June 6, 2024 →
Kathy Hochul’s decision to “pause” congestion pricing in NYC is cowardly, disingenuous, and wrong.
It reminds me of the decision Michael Bloomberg (of whom I am no fan) made banning smoking in bars and restaurants. The critics all came out saying it would hurt those businesses. Of course, the opposite happened.
It’s the same with congestion pricing: It won’t harm business, it will ultimately help them. A lot. There are many examples of that kind of article if you look around.
It’s extra frustrating as we see more and more European cities ban cars to simply wonderful results.
I would bet money the people who influenced Hochul don’t even come into the city.
Tuesday, October 31, 2023 →
People: Can we get affordable EVs?
Toyota: Best we can do is a fake transmission.
Wednesday, August 9, 2023 →
This Cadillac mocks the whole green movement.
Monday, May 29, 2023 →
We do love our children so, chapter 128.
Tuesday, December 20, 2022 →
People trash talk the Post Office’s new mail truck, but I absolutely love its look. I wish more cars and trucks had such good visibility and low step-in height. And they’ll be more of them sooner than later.
Sunday, November 13, 2022 →
The Car-Free Dream.
Saturday, May 28, 2022 →
This feel like a 70% appropriate punishment for punching out the teeth of a flight attendant. I would have added in: You no longer get to fly in the United States. And, before the 3-year probation begins, you have to pass a college-level biology class with a perfect grade.