💻 Apple must realize not only is 5GB an embarrassingly small amount of storage to offer as its free tier, it’s also not enough for its customers to get fully invested into what it can do for them.

If Apple wants folks to see how important iCloud storage is, it needs to give them enough to really get into it.

Something like this would do it:

50GB: Free
200GB: $1.99
500GB: $3.99
1TB: $6.99
2TB; $9.99

As far as the 2TB level goes, which is a very good deal, all Apple has to do is convince families to share the iCloud Drive space and, before you know, there are a lot of people paying $10/month and being quite happy about it. Yes, spending Tim Cook’s money really is fun.

☢️ Wow, hell of a grift. And so many fell for it.

💻 Between age and better technology, I am finding it harder and harder to use my 11" MacBook Air. I think it’s the new way macOS Mojave renders fonts, but it is what is and my eyes are what they are.

It’s been my favorite Mac for five years now, but after using retina-quality screens on iPads and MacBook Pros, I just can’t read on these old screens any longer. It might be time to pass this down to the boy.

☢️ While it may bring some joy, as a whole, Facebook is detrimental to society.

📲 iOS 12 Public Beta is a little pokey on iPad Mini 2, but perfectly serviceable. I think it’s even faster than under iOS 11.x. Impressive considering it’s over 4 1/2 years old.

🏨 As part of being a U.S. citizen, it’s now become necessary to tell our government to NOT do bad things. So, here goes: Dear Government, Don’t take health coverage away from us. -Citizen Bob

🏛 Do we really have to call our elected officials to let them know we don’t support putting children in cages? If that’s the case, we already lost.

⚖️ It will take a lifetime to undo just 18 months of this administration. The world is listening.

🏛 I just completed jury duty and, because Brooklyn is awesome, got a ton of work done thanks to court-supplied Wi-Fi.

🚘 Can you imagine if people walking on sidewalks acted the way many do while driving? You’d be walking, get up behind someone, and yell, at the top of your lungs, “GET THE EFF OUT OF MY WAY!” But no one does that. I wish everyone thought about that while driving.

👨🏾 On May 9, I had a small medical issue which resulted with me falling down some of an escalator at DeKalb on Flatbush Ave. A stranger helped me to my feet and made sure I had my belongings back. Thanks unnamed stranger. NYC is the best, biggest small-town yer going to find.

💻 Today is the first time (ever!) that I’ve gotten bitten by the “Apple changed the screws on a notebook to prevent you from doing anything fun.” Way to kill the fun, guys.

📺 The second season of A Series of Unfortunate Events is far darker (so far) than season one. Far less fun despite the acting being quite good. I can’t really say I want to watch more of it.

✊🏻 My son and daughter each walked out of their schools on Friday to protest gun violence. My daughter got four days of detention because of it. They are both learning to make good trouble.

🏫 💻 Apple created a Pro Workflow Team to study how professionals work in order to make better products. It’s time Apple do the same in education by starting its own school. This first-hand experience will identify gaps in products and allow key services to stay in Apple’s system.

📺 Using a scale of thumbs up/thumbs down I’d give the Netflix version of Lost in Space a thumbs up.

No episodes were as good as BSG’s first season, but now that’s LiS is done I’d be up for another season. While I grew to like some characters, I found Dr. Smith to be lacking.

⚖️ Now this what change looks like (before it actually changes).

These meddling kids are going to make things happen!

🏛 It’s one thing to be upset at the current administration, but this has been going on for decades. Seriously, why don’t we care about public education?

Endless budget cuts, blame for society’s ills, and public humiliation, I can’t image why anyone would go into public teaching.

📺 I watched the rebooted Lost in Space on Netflix tonight. Meh. I watched it because I’ll watch any danged thing that is sci-fi, but this was a snoozer.

I’ll give it another episode or two, but the acting was only okay, so I’m not yet attached to any of the characters.

🏫 My time to help my children pay for college is rapidly approaching. I am fortunate enough to be able to pay for at least some of their college costs. I know many others are not in that position. What a difficult choice some are going to have to face: Go to college and come out with a mortgage’s worth of debt or don’t attend.

It got me wondering what my college would cost in today’s dollars. I found a pretty reasonable estimate: $11,500/year. The shocker (that really isn’t shocking): Tuition at the school I attended is now $29,000/year.

While I was researching this, I found an article When College Went to Congress. I wonder how many of our elected officials release what their college costs for today’s young people.