Think of how many folks you know who use The New York Times as a reference point to form their opinions. That’s why we will never, ever move forward (by that I mean, to the left) as a country.
Feelin’ Good Friday, #2: A two-gear, two-chain bike. It’s small inventions like this which have a huge impact on the lives of folks who have to make do with what they have.
If you are unfamiliar with Buffalo (I was), this overview explains the logic behind the original design (the first link above shows the most recent redesign, but the principle ideas remain). Really, watch the whole video. I wish more products were made this way.
Why don’t I have more faith in humanity? We still don’t know how to wear masks properly. Mouth and nose should be covered. How do you still think your honker hanging out is effective? How do people not understand this?
And the reason I’m writing this at all now is I just saw a woman on the subway lower her mask to cough. To cough!
In an effort to celebrate the wins, big or small, I am happy to say I made an outstanding cup of coffee today. It’s one of those cups that you wish would never run out.
Today, of all days, I recommend listening to “Kid Logic” episode 605 of This American Life. Act one has moved me to tears nearly every time I have listened to it. If you haven’t heard it, I think you’ll enjoy it. Also, kids are awesome.
Since everyone is up in arms about it, I would like to go on the record that I did not donate to Trump’s inauguration. And I find it ever more distasteful to learn of those that did.
Since the election, however, we’ve bascally stopped. It’s simply too depressing.
My suggesion to Mr. Meyers is to have a weekly bit where Bernie Sanders won the election and do a fake news segment about that. Each week I’d like to hear some funny quips about what upset President Sanders and how the right (and, frankly, most of the Dems) are fighting his administration’s good ideas. Soup!
With the acquisition of Pixelmator, I wonder if Apple is going to make a Pro bundle software subscription to live under what it called Services. You’d have Logic Pro, Final Cut Pro, and then this pro level photo editing package (maybe called Layers or Pixels?).
I have never been so wrong about anything than the way I told my family and all my friends to not be so anxious about the election, Harris was going to win. Both of my children were eligible to vote in this election and I was (and am) proud they both did vote, but wow was I wrong.
I was wrong about:
Presidential outcome
Outcome of Congress
Popular vote
I’m going to be doing a lot of reflecting on what I didn’t see.
I have yet to see a single Apple Intelligence ad that isn’t 100% cringe. The ads are either super misleading or showing the worst people using them to be lazy. Basically, the ads are a really lousy depiction of the work done by folks at Apple.
The LA Times and The Washington Post have both chosen to decline to endorse a candidate for president. At this time of the election cycle? In this political climate? At this time of need? Localized entirely around billionaires? Our media will be our downfall, indeed.
EVs aren’t catching as much not because charging is hard and not because the range isn’t there, they are simply too expensive. When a new model comes out, I no longer first check range, instead I check price. Oh, look, the new Polestar 3 is very close to coming out. It’s $73,000. To start?!
I know I’m beginning to get up in years, but holy cow is that expensive. And at the risk of sounding old and cranky (maybe that older and crankier?), I sure would love to see something like the 2020 Honda HR-V (2024 and on are now too big) become completely electric. Don’t change anything else that doesn’t need to be changed. For god’s sake, don’t whizbangify the door handles! Good door handles are a solved problem. Glove box latches are a solved problem.
Why in the world are these new postal trucks constantly labeled as goofy while current F-150s, Silverados, and RAMs aren’t? You need a step to get into these machismo trucks, can’t reach the truck bed from the side, and, most importantly, you can’t see kids or passenger cars from the driver’s seat! The pickups also get crap fuel economy.