
Supreme Court essentially killing regulation is bad, NY Times saying Biden should resign because of one bad debate while saying nothing about Trump and his convictions is insane, and Martin Mull was great on VEEP.

I can’t recall the last time we had a Spring this pleasant in NYC.

Kathy Hochul’s decision to “pause” congestion pricing in NYC is cowardly, disingenuous, and wrong.

It reminds me of the decision Michael Bloomberg (of whom I am no fan) made banning smoking in bars and restaurants. The critics all came out saying it would hurt those businesses. Of course, the opposite happened.

It’s the same with congestion pricing: It won’t harm business, it will ultimately help them. A lot. There are many examples of that kind of article if you look around.

It’s extra frustrating as we see more and more European cities ban cars to simply wonderful results.

I would bet money the people who influenced Hochul don’t even come into the city.

The battery alone in this new Chevy must weigh more than non-EV cars in total.

As I’ve written in the past, if Earth was described in a science fiction story, it wouldn’t be believed.

Look at these pictures: The Earth is wonderful. And these photographers are so awesome at their jobs. Thanks, photographers!

This Cadillac mocks the whole green movement.

I just got back from vacation and am announcing here first that I’m to marry Glacier National Park. #nationalpark

It’s like the show Extrapolations outside my window here in NYC.

I came across this tweet about a basking shark. Amazing.

I stand by my long-time stance that if Earth was written about in science fiction it wouldn’t be believed. It would be a step too far. How many languages? How many species of animals and insects? How much water? How much land? How much beauty?

The Clean Water Act is now a problem?

While two old white men argued last night… Greenland’s ice sheet got smaller and smaller.

As I watch the West Coast burn, I am reminded of the show Newsroom and this scene about climate change. Now, sure, it was fiction.

The West Coast being on fire is not.