Wednesday, March 5, 2025
The M4 Airs seem like a great spec bump. Apple even lowered the price by $100 (despite the concern over tariffs).
I’ve already seen so many posts complaining about the upgrade pricing and while I agree the prices to upgrade are high, I fully spec’d MacBook Air is just north of $2,000.1
That’s the same as I paid 32 years ago for my first new Mac laptop (a PowerBook 1802, no color, that was too expensive) back in 1993. Of course, that’s around $4,400 with inflation. I don’t really remember the specs of that PowerBook at this point, but I don’t recall having it upgraded (I see on EveryMac I could have up’d the RAM and HD, but I bet I didn’t… I am pretty sure I bought a stock unit from MacWAREHOUSE—the catalog with the lady representative in the lower right corner).
Anyway, $2,200 doesn’t seem so bad to me. Plus the M4 MacBook Air will most surely have a longer useful life than the PowerBook 180 did.